Counter Terrorism Awareness Training

This course is designed for those responsible for the safety and security at locations that attract members of public. These include small venues such as pubs, restaurants, cinemas and nightclubs right through to larger locations such as stadiums, shopping malls and office blocks.

The course gives delegates an awareness of the existing and future terrorist threats; how the threats can affect their organisation; and how to develop plans and procedures to enable an effective response should a terror attack occur.

The Events Of
9/11 2001

The events of 9/11 2001, were a watershed for global security and heralded what President Bush called the ‘War on Terror.’ Twenty years on, Afghanistan has been lost to the Taliban and Libya and many other countries in Africa are now home to terrorist groups and Iraq & Syria are in a constant fight against Islamic State.
Terrorism, together with its acts and consequences, has not be eradicated, or at best even reduced. It has now become an existential threat, the actions, and effects of which are felt in cities, towns and communities across the world.

Terrorism is a complex phenomenon that in its crudest form has existed for thousands of years. There is no single type of terrorism, with many different extremist groups utilizing violence to further their political, religious, racial, or ideological agendas. But for those who have a responsibility to provide security there is a need - no matter what the operating context – to understand the phenomenon and to develop an effective response to a terror attack.

This programme is designed for anyone in a security or customer facing role and those involved in organisational safety and security. The outcome for those taking the course, is that they will be better enabled to provide an effective response, not only to a wilful attack but to other critical events such as accidents and disasters.
It is based on the lessons learned and experience of terrorism experts, and not only utilizes templates, frameworks and methodologies but also gives practical advice on what steps should be taken prior to and during an attack.

The CounterTerrorism Awareness course covers all of the significant issues and procedures that need to be taken into account when an organization begins to design its response to acts of terrorism, as well as providing guidance on how that response should be implemented.

The Counterterrorism Awareness course is part of the Security Institute (SyI) Approved Training Programme (ATP) and as such has been peer reviewed by security experts and found fit for purpose. For taking the course SyI members receive 12 CDP points and are entitled to a 15% membership discount.

Check out what's included in the course below

The course gives delegates an awareness of the existing and future terrorist threats; how the threats can affect their organisation; and how to develop plans and procedures to enable an effective response should a terror attack occur.

  • The security context and the threats within
  • Asset identification and their vulnerability and impact to organizational threats
  • ​Risk assessment and mitigation

Course Content

It consists of six modules each of which has a video, confirmatory questions and additional reading that is not compulsory but advised


What is Terrorism: 

Understand the history of terrorism, the complexity around its definition, and the various groups involved.


Security Context and Threat:

What a risk owner is and what legal obligations they have, the security context, the terrorist threat level.


Vulnerability, Impact and Risk: 

How to identify and quantify vulnerability and impact, risk assessment and risk reduction measures, the dynamic risk assessment


Terror Attack Cycle (Part 1), Target Selection & Planning: 

Methodologies used in target selection, how to develop your operational security, how terrorists plan their attacks, hostile surveillance


Terror Attack Cycle (Part 2) Deployment, The Attack and Exploitation: 

Terrorist vulnerabilities, recent attack methodologies and mitigation strategies, direct and indirect attacks


Counter terrorism the Response:

Security culture, Security Plan and how to write one, how to develop Standing Operational Procedures and contingency plans

About Richard Pendry

Richard has worked in most of the world’s conflict zones since 2005. An ex-member of Parachute Regiment, he holds degrees in Security & Risk Management from University of Leicester and a master’s degree from University of St Andrews in Terrorism & Political Violence. He is a member of the Security Institute (MSyI) and of the Institute for Strategic Risk Management (ISRM). He is also a published author and writes regularly as a subject matter expert for industry magazines and has also appeared on TV and national radio.


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